Signed up. Confirm me? Name was Pandacakes.
Flash God.... in training....
Age 34, Male
Electrical Dep. Ass.
Im too school for cool!
@ my 'puta
Joined on 9/22/07
Signed up. Confirm me? Name was Pandacakes.
I'll get an Admin to get you in. only interested to join a madness collab, make one
I've got one last Madness themed project and it isn't a collab.
So I can say whatever the hell I want?
Well, near enough yeah, the only limitations we have is when the forum provider gets involved.
P.S Gabrial, didn't you say yo would joint collabs anymore!
Been there, nothing really special. Why are you there anyway? Do you know Icy or something?
I know all the members man, we're sort of a nice little family.
Either way, it'd be neat if you joined anyway, you may start liking it.
oh hello
Who the fuck are you.
Holy shit. You're still alive? Assuming so, how's the baby?
Shit son, same to you, nice work gettin' up on dat Flash scene man.
Baby's doing fine thanks, join our forum you fucker
You're a phony!
You're stealing already unfunny jokes.
n0 fFUCk yoU Im' nO)tJgoingIN thasTA GOtFugrj!
okay. I'm in.
We already have a bullshit forum here, it's called General.
Not like ours you don't!