Oh hey guys, i've had a real shitty and some not so shitty moments occur for me already in the good ole' 'noughties';
My flat/apartment got robbed, i was and still am left a resentful, scared and depressed person, but im also optimistic at the worst of times so i should be ok i hope.
My dog, who is only 10 months old is near enough giving up on life, his legs aren't working the way they should, he pees like a girl (Lying down, although this can be common) and it is now 6 in the morning, i've been up since 5 cleaning vomit and piss from my room....
Im also going to become a father.
Since alot of you do not personally know me, the mere thought of having a child petrifys me to no end, im scared i can't provide the life it deserves, but now im fine and i'll eventually get over myself and man up, i just yesterday got a 29th week scan which makes sure everythings ok which when i seen the little white blur moving on the screen, it changes a person.
Erm, what else... oh yeah, The mc.net collab is still going strong even with my own problems slowing myself down, it will be done and released for MD2010, okay? okay.
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Thanks for listening guys, i somehow feel better.