Finally here, Madness Acceleration is awesome, you should check it out regardless if you're a fan or not.
Also sorry to whoever may bee interested but yeah, there was no MC.Net collab this year, everything fell apart at the last week so we dropped it.
Next year though, i promise, we're all hyped up for next year because we're all gonna bring you some of the best animation, gore and hilarity that you've ever seen.
So next Madness Day, look out.
Also im doing the last officcial DAD movie, you know DAD? Created by Tasers? That cartoon Krinkels loves? Well Tasers has granted me permission to create the last episode finally ending the official DAD Series, any other DAD toons oweveer are free to reign such as ACE Corns awesome DAD3 check it out!
i think all the madnesses are good man